Project Information:

: 32
: Car front DRL upgrade
: To install a new DRL (Day Running Light) to the front end of the car. At the same time install a front lip (diffuser) and finally repair and touch-up front bumper crack.
: Joel Richard Jacobson
: Joel Jacobson

Additional Information:
: 2022-06-21
: 2022-08-31
: $600.00
: $575.00
: Construction
: Archived

Project Tasks: 7
Task Name: Lift Vehicle
Start Date: 2022-06-21 End Date: 2022-06-21
Description: jack vehicle above the ground at least 1 foot .
Cost: $65.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: jake
Successor Task:
Predeccessor Task: Remove Front Bumper
Task Name: Remove Front Bumper
Start Date: 2022-06-22 End Date: 2022-06-22
Description: Remove all bumper clips at the fender liner, bottom liner, four screws (2 on each side around the reinforce bar)
Cost: $0.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task: Lift Vehicle
Predeccessor Task: Cut Reinforce bar bumper
Task Name: Cut Reinforce bar bumper
Start Date: 2022-06-23 End Date: 2022-06-23
Description: Get a metal saw cutter to cut 8 inches from each side of the front bumper.
Cost: $75.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: jake
Successor Task: Remove Front Bumper
Predeccessor Task: Install Electrical wires for DRL
Task Name: Paint DRL/Fog Light Covers
Start Date: 2022-06-25 End Date: 2022-06-26
Description: sand, primer, paint
Cost: $45.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task: Remove Front Bumper
Predeccessor Task: Install New DRL in bumper
Task Name: Install Electrical wires for DRL
Start Date: 2022-07-01 End Date: 2022-07-01
Description: Bought wiring, module for DRL, to connect with foglight. Installed against the metal frame of the left side fender, alongside the battery.
Cost: $150.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task:
Predeccessor Task:
Task Name: Install New DRL in bumper
Start Date: 2022-07-01 End Date: 2022-07-02
Description: replace old foglights with new DRL and foglights from the bumper. Test
Cost: $200.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task: Paint DRL/Fog Light Covers
Predeccessor Task: Install Electrical wires for DRL
Task Name: Testing Lights On and Off
Start Date: 2022-08-05 End Date: 2022-08-15
Description: Testing all configurations with daylight and fog lights
Cost: $0.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task: Install Electrical wires for DRL
Predeccessor Task:

Summary Issues Recorded: 2
Issue Name: Not OEM parts
WBS: 1a Logged By: Zarah Vazquez
Problem/Success: Front DRL and plastic cover are aftermarket (Replica) of OEM. Doesn't fit perfectly, modifications have to occur.
Impact: Delay time and do not sit flush with the front bumper, adjustment needs to occur.
Recommendations: Spend a little more on OEM DRLs that comes already painted for best results close to the original look.
Followed By:
Phase: Executing
Category: Project Cost Management
Issue Name: Spray Paint Quality problem.
WBS: 1b Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Problem/Success: Been ABS the DRL there need to be some steps before having the end results on the original color.
Impact: Adding adhesive spray created a porous surface. has to be sanded down and primed before painting. Spray paint included a clear coating which didn't create a shining end product.
Recommendations: Before painting makes sure to sand all the way down the primer base and to not include the color with clear integrated. have Crear coating on a separate spray can.
Followed By:
Phase: Monitoring & Controlling
Category: Project Quality Management

Project Risks: 4
Risk Avg. after response:
32.00% / 100%

R1: Peeling Off Paint
Description: The paint can peel of based on a cheap brand of paint and not a good work on sanding.
Likelihood vs Impact: 3*4
Risk Level: 12 - Low
Action: Using touch up pen oem color of the car.
Response Level: 7.00
Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Response Type: FalseFalseFalseFalse
R2: Alignment to the Foglight
Description: There is always a chance of not properly align the housing of the aftermarket fog light with the oem car bumper.
Likelihood vs Impact: 1*4
Risk Level: 4 - Low
Action: Sand down edges or heat up with heat gun to allow plastic to flex over edges.
Response Level: 3.00
Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Response Type: FalseFalseFalseFalse
R3: Broken parts
Description: As being bought over ebay and not original I might not be entitled to warranty coverage. The material might not be as strong as OEM.
Likelihood vs Impact: 3*5
Risk Level: 15 - Medium
Action: As it is. Accept broken part and try to glue it up and repaint.
Response Level: 15.00
Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Response Type: FalseFalseFalseFalse
R4: Overheating cabling installation overtime
Description: splicing cables with the wrong thickness of wire can cause overheating and melting in the insulation.
Likelihood vs Impact: 2*5
Risk Level: 10 - Low
Action: Did research on the cabling for LED output power and is not likely to overheat.
Response Level: 7.00
Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Response Type: FalseFalseFalseFalse

Attached Files: 2
Document: Front DRL's Light
Document Type: image/jpeg
Description: Drl installed
Uploaded by: Jake
Uploaded Date: 2022-08-09
Document: DRL Ebay
Document Type: application/pdf
Description: DRL bough from ebay.
Uploaded by: Jake
Uploaded Date: 2022-09-08

Feedback Provided: Average Rating: 4.57 out of 5
Rating Scale: 1: Strong Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strong Agree
Question Rating 1-5
Budget wise we completed within the budget and time. But quality could of be way better.
Analysis on evaluating the diagram of electronic flow on how power gets supplied.
Painting the DRL covers.
Seen the DRL dim 50% whenever fog lights were turned on.
Paint knowledge, flaws on the steps to take to have a good paint quality to last long few years.
Sometimes s better to purchase Original Parts (OEM) even if can cost you a 25-40% more but end results will be seamless. Test