Project Information:
: 6
: New power folding windows blinds
: Lowes employers will come to measure frame and estimate value to be installed. This include upstairs and downstaira main livingroom areas.
: Joel Richard Jacobson
: Lowes

Additional Information:
: 2021-02-03
: 2021-04-08
: $1,500.00
Budget at Completion: $2,050.00
Domain: Construction
Status: Archived

Summary Issues Recorded: 2
Issue Name: Store wrong measures ordered
WBS: 1 Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Problem/Success: Store blind employee copy and paste measurements
Impact: Downstairs blind are shorter than upstairs blinds. Time and effort.
Recommendations: Verify paperworks making sure measurements match
Followed By: Joel Jacobson
Phase: Executing
Category: Project Time Management
Issue Name: Motor Overprice
WBS: 2 Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Problem/Success: Splitting blinds require more motors
Impact: Budget. Each blind will meed a motor.
Recommendations: As each motor are roughtly 400 dollars, is better to have one big piece blinder per windows (4) windows. Originally was split into 12 parts but end u with just 4. From 4k to 2k.
Followed By: Joel Jacobson
Phase: Planning
Category: Project Cost Management

Attached Files: 0

Feedback Provided: Average Rating: 3.86 out of 5
Rating Scale: 1: Strong Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strong Agree
Question Rating 1-5
We were able to set upstairs and downstairs with an electrical motor for the family and the living room, a total of 4 big windows.
Budget analysis and selection of windows to be used motorized.
The employee supervisor that took our project was absent from work due to illness, no other employee in the current blinders areas wasn't tracking project status and deliverable time.
seeing the installers come to the house and matter of 30 minutes max was completed.
About how the measurement of the blinds had the wrong size. This created a bit delay as the store employee copy and paste all windows thinking was the same size. It end up returning the product and had a 2 weeks additional delay to the completion of the project.
In the future we need to track when deciding on new blinders motors will increment the cost of the blinds.