Project Information:
: 36
: Replace Home Electrical Panel
: Supreme Electric labor and material to complete the following: 1. Replace (1) existing 100 amp 16 Space Panel with (1) new 100 amp panel 24 Space Panel. 2. Updated panel schedule. Bid based on Supreme limiting tracing out of existing circuits to 1 hour for 2 techs.
: Joel Richard Jacobson
: Supreme Electric

Additional Information:
: 2023-02-28
: 2023-03-01
: $2,085.00
: $2,160.00
: Home Improvements
: Archived

Project Tasks: 2
Task Name: Analysis for Which Vendor to Make-Buy-Decision
Start Date: 2023-02-28 End Date: 2023-02-28
Description: WIth a simple analysis I can decide which vendor has the most satisfactory review and feedback from customers which had contracted out.
Cost: $500.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task:
Predeccessor Task:
Task Name: Cutout bigger size for new panel
Start Date: 2023-03-01 End Date: 2023-03-01
Description: Increase size of hole by 2 inches per side
Cost: $1,200.00
Is Critical?:
Logged By: Joel Richard Jacobson
Successor Task: Analysis for Which Vendor to Make-Buy-Decision
Predeccessor Task:

Summary Issues Recorded: 0

Project Risks: 1
Risk Avg. after response:
100% / 100%

R1: Dry wall fixes and patches
Description: A potential risk that work has to be done to the dry wall after the panel gets replaced.
Likelihood vs Impact: 5*5
Risk Level: 25 - High
Action: Once the workers finish, a cost analysis needs to happen to buy the appropiate material to patch the big gaps between drywall and panel.
Response Level: 25.00
Logged By: Joel Jacobson
Response Type: FalseFalseFalseFalse

Attached Files: 2
Document: Proposal Request
Document Type: application/pdf
Description: This is the first proposal issueby the company
Uploaded by: Jake
Uploaded Date: 2023-02-23
Document: Electrical Panel New
Document Type: image/jpeg
Description: After installation of the new electrical panel and all touch up in dry wall and paint by owner.
Uploaded by: Jake
Uploaded Date: 2024-05-31

Feedback Provided: Average Rating: 4.43 out of 5
Rating Scale: 1: Strong Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strong Agree
Question Rating 1-5
Property owner needed to fix the dry wall and fill the gaps between the panel and the dry wall.
timeline, new upgraded and bigger size panel.
crumbles and cleanup by the owner after work was completed.
seeing the panel working properly and no more light bliking.
Make sure contractors do an after repair of anything they damage, and not letting the owner taking care of that.